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Title GSEU – Geological Service for Europe
Link to project website https://geologicalservice.eu/
Programme Horizon Europe - CSA
Project duration 09/2022–8/2027
GeoZS role in the project Project partner
GeoZS contact Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Za ogled potrebujete Javascript, da si jo ogledate.


48 partners from 35 countries across Europe are collaborating to develop a Geological Service for Europe – focusing on the planet itself: the earth beneath our feet. The subsurface holds indispensable resources for European industry and society, and, with careful management, will be the key to decarbonising our economy.

The Geological Surveys of Europe are the primary providers of subsurface data, information, and advice that can help the EU to achieve The Green Deal, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and Horizon Europe objectives. For example,

  • A secure supply of critical minerals is needed to develop green technologies – new battery technologies for storage of renewable energy, solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal heat pumps, green city infrastructure.
  • Knowledge of groundwater quality and quantity is needed to manage agricultural land use, detect and mitigate pollution of drinking water, monitor and plan for extreme flooding events.
  • Mapping of the subsurface is needed to manage conflicting surface and subsurface land use, such as farming, urban development, carbon sequestration, geothermal energy exploitation, or storage of hydrogen fuel.

These and other important roles can only be filled with the data and expertise of The Geological Surveys of Europe. Fortunately, The Geological Surveys of Europe have a strong collaborative network of experts, already in operation for over 50 years. In the last decade, this collaboration has been focused on the development of a European Geological Data Infrastructure – an open access platform of harmonised, borderless subsurface data that can inform sound science-based European policy in the themes of, for example, land use, urban development, geoenergy, mineral resources, water resources, coastal zone management, geological hazards, geoheritage, and more. This data infrastructure and the collaborative expertise that surrounds it, forms the heart of an envisaged future Geological Service for Europe.

Through a five-year Coordination and Support Action, GSEU, under coordination of EuroGeoSurveys, will deliver a plan for a sustainable Geological Service for Europe to be implemented beyond the 2027 project end. This service will serve European society and inform sound policy in water, energy, raw materials, hazards, and all areas that require subsurface data and expertise. Through this service, we will contribute to environmental sustainability and social well-being in Europe, supported by a powerful and comprehensive digital infrastructure.

GeoZS is one of the most active partners in the project. We will collaborate in all areas of expertise, from geothermal energy and groundwater to geological hazards, data management and mineral resources. It is important to highlight our leading role in establishing the European Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Resource Management, in creating the information and technology framework of the future geological service (EGDI - European Geological Data Infrastructure) and in implementing the communication and dissemination activities of the project.



Izgradnja ekosistemov za spodbujanje pametne specializacije in inovacij na področju surovin v visokošolskih institucijah (HEI4S3-RM)

Spletna stran projekta https://hei4s3-rm.eu/
Program EIT Higher Education Innovate Initiative - EIT HEI
Trajanje projekta 07/2022–06/2024
Vloga GeoZS v projektu Partner
Kontakt na GeoZS Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Za ogled potrebujete Javascript, da si jo ogledate.


HEI4S3-RM se izvaja v okviru pobude EIT (Evropski inštitut za inovacije in tehnologijo) HEI (visokošolske ustanove) ter povezuje 6 visokošolskih in 3 neakademske partnerje. Projekt koordinira Universidad de Oviedo iz Španije. Projekt je bil razvit z namenom krepitve inovacijske zmogljivosti v Evropi in uresničevanja trajnostnega razvoja z uporabo ideje krožnega gospodarstva za posodobitev surovinskega sektorja. Namen projekta je okrepiti partnerstva med univerzami, podjetji in raziskovalnimi institucijami z razvojem inovativnih podjetniških univerz.

Novi operativni okvir bo uveden prek laboratorijev za integracijo ekosistemov (Ecosystem Integration Labs – EIL), ki jih bo razvila in izvajala vsaka sodelujoča univerza. EIL bodo določili fokus načrtovanih inovacijskih in podjetniških projektov, laboratorijev za talente ter odprtih inovacij in programov usposabljanja.

Rezultati projekta bodo prispevali k strateškim ciljem in nalogam vsaj treh skupnosti znanja in inovacij EIT Digital, EIT Climate in EIT RawMaterials, vključno s podporo uresničevanja vizije Regionalne inovacijske sheme.



Building Ecosystem Integration Labs at HEI to foster Smart Specialization and Innovation on Sustainable Raw Materials (HEI4S3-RM)

Project website https://hei4s3-rm.eu/
Programme EIT Higher Education Innovate Initiative - EIT HEI
Project duration 07/2022–06/2024
GeoZS role in the project Partner
GeoZS contact Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Za ogled potrebujete Javascript, da si jo ogledate.


HEI4S3- RM is carried out within the EIT (European Institute of Innovation & Technology) HEI (Higher education institutions) Initiative and links 6 HEI and 3 non-academic partners. The project is coordinated by the Universidad de Oviedo. The project was created to strengthen innovation capacity building in Europe and aim for long-term sustainable development by using the idea of circular economy to modernise the raw materials and mining sectors. The project aims to strengthen partnerships between universities, companies and research institutions by developing an innovative pathway for entrepreneurial universities.

The new operational framework will be introduced through Ecosystem Integration Labs (EILs), which will be developed and implemented by each participating university. The EILs will determine the focus of the planned innovation and entrepreneurship projects, Talent labs and open innovation and training programmes.

Project outcomes will contribute to the strategic objectives and missions of at least three EIT Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs): EIT Digital, EIT Climate and EIT RawMaterials, including the vision of the EIT Regional Innovation Scheme.



Razpoložljivost sekundarnih surovin v prihodnosti (FutuRaM)

Povezava na spletno stran projekta https://futuram.eu/
Trajanje projekta 06/2022–05/2026
Vloga GeoZS v projektu Partner
Kontakt na GeoZS Ta e-poštni naslov je zaščiten proti smetenju. Za ogled potrebujete Javascript, da si jo ogledate.

V začetku julija je v Bruslju potekal uvodni sestanek projekta FutuRaM - Future Availability of Secondary Raw Materials. Projekt se ukvarja z razpoložljivostjo sekundarnih surovin v prihodnosti s poudarkom na testiranju in promoviranju uporabe klasifikacije UNFC, ki bi se lahko uporabljala ne samo za primarne, ampak tudi za sekundarne surovine. GeoZS je član konzorcija, v katerem sodeluje 28 partnerjev iz 11 evropskih držav.

Projekt FutuRaM se bo izvajal do sredine leta 2026 in bo imel ključno vlogo pri zagotavljanju varne oskrbe s sekundarnimi mineralnimi surovinami, še zlasti s kritičnimi mineralnimi surovinami, pridobljenimi na območju Evropske unije.
