Part I.

Trajan Dimkovski, Duška Rokavec

2001, 25 x 17 cm

Price: 20,00 EUR

This book is a synthesis of information extracted from numerous expert reports stored in the archive of the Geological Survey of Slovenia. It represents some of the non-metallic mineral raw materials mined in open pits in Slovenia. The book is illustrated by numerous colour photographs and maps. It has and extensive English summary and a list of published and un-published literature on single mineral raw materials.

It includes:

  • Quartz raw materials (quartz sand, chert, quartz conglomerate, quartz gravel, quartzite)
  • Mineral raw materials for chemical industry (limestone, calcite, chalk, dolomite)
  • Mineral raw materials for production of cement (limestone, marl, flysch)
  • Mineral raw materials for ceramics and brick industry (ceramics clay, brick-ceramics clay, brick clay)

ISBN 961-90403-4-1

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