Our MissionGeological Survey of Slovenia

The Geological Survey of Slovenia provides information about the geological setting and natural resources of Slovenia and participates in the development of knowledge about past and present processes taking place in the Earth's crust. GeoZS collects, stores, and disseminates data about the geology of Slovenia and through international cooperation with its partners abroad extends its activities over the Slovenian borders.

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We invite experts to join us

The Geological Survey of Slovenia is looking for experts in numerical modelling, programming, 3D modelling, and spatial data management. If you have experience in the field and would like to be part of the dynamic environment of a leading research institution in the field of geosciences actively involved in international cooperation, we invite you to send your CV with a brief description of your development aspirations to info@geo-zs.si.



  • Geological Information Centre

    Geological Information centre collects processes and stores geoscientific data in a single information system and disseminates it to subscribers / users.
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  • Geological hazards

    Geohazard is a set of natural or anthropogenic geological conditions which can lead to damage or uncontrolled risk, thus posing as threat to life and property.
  • Geothermal energy

    Geothermal energy is a widely accessible renewable energy resource, which is being exploited through the use of thermal water or geothermal heat pumps. Thermal water is also used for therapeutic purposes.
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  • Regional geology

    The primary activity of the department is regional geological research and the production of basic and thematic geological maps at various scales.
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23. 1. 2017


Vzpostavitev spletnega portala eGeologija

Vljudno vas vabimo na delovno srečanje, na katerem vam bomo predstavili pomen, vlogo in delovanje spletnega portala eGeologija.

Geološki zavod Slovenije (GeoZS) je vzpostavil spletni portal eGeologija, ki zagotavlja dostopnost in medopravilnost usklajenih in kakovostnih geoloških podatkov na območju prostora Slovenije in tudi Evrope. Zbirke podatkov s področja geologije zagotavljajo zanesljivo informacijo najširši mreži končnih uporabnikov, ki pri reševanju vprašanj nacionalnega pomena in za ostale namene potrebujejo prostorske podatke oziroma podatkovne zbirke na področju geologije.

Spletni portal eGeologija je prav tako pomemben prispevek k uresničevanju zahtev direktive INSPIRE, ki določa pravila za vzpostavljanje in zagotavljanje infrastrukture za prostorske informacije v Republiki Sloveniji.

Vzpostavitev portala eGeologija in implementacija direktive INSPIRE na GeoZS vodimo in usklajujemo v okviru infrastrukturnega programa Javne agencije za raziskovalno dejavnost Republike Slovenije.

Predstavitev delovanja spletnega portala eGeologija bo v sredo, 1. februarja 2017, ob 13.00, v predavalnici GeoZS v 6. nadstropju na Dimičevi 14 v Ljubljani.

Uvodna nagovora:

  • dr. Miloš Bavec, direktor GeoZS
  • Tomaž Petek, nacionalni koordinator za INSPIRE, GURS

Predstavitev delovanja portala:

  • Jasna Šinigoj, GeoZS
  • Matija Krivic, GeoZS

Vljudno vas prosimo, da svojo prisotnost potrdite, najkasneja do 30. 1. 2017, v This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..